Make Your Garden Your Home

Welcome to “ETH Olive Tree” – Your Ultimate Guide to Transforming Outdoor Spaces into Personal Paradises! Are you dreaming of a garden that feels like a part of your home, not just an add-on? You’ve come to the right place! Our passion is helping you create an outdoor space that’s not just beautiful but also a cozy, comfortable extension of your living area. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, we’ve got tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you make your garden truly yours. So, grab your gardening gloves, let your imagination bloom, and join us on this journey to turn your garden into your newest favorite “room”! 🌼🏡🌿

Get In Touch

+90 3241 675 022

663 Jalen Estate Apt. 822

For All of Your Gardening Needs

Whether it’s planting colorful flower beds, keeping your lawn lush and green, or helping your vegetable garden thrive, we’re here to make your garden dreams a reality. With our expert knowledge and passion for all things green, we ensure your garden is a vibrant, healthy oasis. Let us be your go-to for making your outdoor space the envy of the neighborhood, where nature’s beauty is always in full bloom.

Garden Design

Garden design is really like creating your own special piece of nature. It’s about planning and arranging your outdoor space to make it look and feel just how you want it. You decide where to put the flowers, bushes, and other plants, kind of like how you’d arrange furniture in your room. It’s not just about making the garden look pretty; it’s about creating a place where you can chill out, have fun, and be surrounded by greenery and colors you love. And the best part? You get to be super creative, picking out plants and decorations that show off your style.

Garden Maintenance

Garden maintenance is like taking care of a pet – it needs regular attention and love. It’s all about keeping your garden healthy and looking good. This means doing things like pulling out weeds, which are like the bullies of the garden, trimming the hedges so they don’t get too wild, and making sure the plants get enough water, but not too much. It’s kind of like having a routine, just like how you might have a schedule for homework or chores. Regular garden maintenance keeps your outdoor space looking nice and can help prevent problems before they start. Plus, there’s something really satisfying about seeing a well-kept garden that you’ve taken care of yourself.

Trimming & Cleanup

Trimming and cleanup in the garden are like giving your outdoor space a fresh haircut and a tidy room. It’s about cutting back overgrown bushes, shaping hedges, and getting rid of all the dead leaves and branches that can make a garden look messy. It’s sort of like when you clean your room and suddenly it feels more spacious and comfortable. Regular trimming keeps plants healthy and lets them grow better, and cleaning up helps prevent pests and diseases. Plus, there’s something really satisfying about looking at a neat, well-cared-for garden. It’s like the garden is saying ‘thanks’ for taking good care of it.

Landscape Services

Our Landscape Services transform your outdoor space into a breathtaking haven, combining nature’s beauty with our expertise to create the perfect setting for relaxation and enjoyment.

We’ve been creating high quality home & commercial gardens since 2022

Since 2024, we’ve been turning ordinary spaces into extraordinary gardens. Our journey in crafting high-quality home and commercial gardens started with a simple idea: to bring more greenery and life to the places we live and work in. Every garden we create is a unique story. Like that time, we transformed Sereninety (Our Headquarters) backyard into a colorful butterfly haven.  We believe gardens are not just spaces; they’re living, breathing parts of our homes and offices. They’re places where memories are made, where you can relax after a long day, or have a cup of coffee surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Our team of expert gardeners and designers puts heart and soul into every project. We remember working on a local café’s outdoor seating area. The owner wanted a cozy, inviting space where customers could enjoy their drinks amidst lush plants and flowers. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work, selecting the perfect combination of plants that would thrive in the Oklahoma environment. 

We’re passionate about what we do because we know gardens can make a difference in people’s lives.  As we continue our journey, we’re excited to keep creating gardens that are not just visually stunning but also meaningful and beneficial to the communities and individuals they serve.

ETH Olive Tree LLC

Leisure Garden

Tropical Rainforest Garden

Home Garden Design

Home Garden Design, available exclusively in Oklahoma State, offers personalized, in-person consultations to create your dream garden. Whether you have a small backyard or a sprawling estate, our local experts bring their gardening know-how right to your doorstep. We understand the unique climate and soil of Oklahoma, ensuring that your garden not only looks beautiful but thrives in its environment. Our hands-on approach means we work closely with you, blending your vision with our expertise, to transform your outdoor space into a personal paradise.

Maintenance & Upkeep

With our service, you get a lifetime of phone consultations. It’s like having a gardening expert just a phone call away, any time you need advice or help with your garden. Whether you’re dealing with a tricky plant or planning a whole new garden layout, we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need, for as long as you have your garden. It’s our way of making sure you feel confident and supported in your gardening journey.

Quality Gardening & Maintenance Services

Thank you for visiting ETH Olive Tree LLC. Remember, whether it’s crafting a new garden or taking care of the one you already have, we’re here to help every step of the way. Our dedication to quality and passion for green spaces ensures your garden is in the best hands. Keep us in mind for your future gardening adventures, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need expert advice. Happy gardening, and we look forward to growing with you!

Contact Us Today

Get In Touch

(346) 352-4623

1234 Divi Dr. San Francisco, CA 93522

Let’s Build Your Dream Garden Together

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